Canada Cannabis Sales Double In 2020 But Will It Continue In 2021

Last year the world went into lock down and with legal cannabis being part of "essential businesses" stores stayed open and sales doubled hitting 2.6 Billion. Of course a few factors played into this such as more retail stores had opened up, pricing started to become more competitive and e commerce had expanded and of course everyone at home not working sure helped too.
 The recent rise of quality value brand has really helped turn many away from the illicit market as this was a many concern for many that legal cannabis was just not worth the price but company's are getting more sophisticated. Sales seen 118% growth in 2020 and is projected to see 60% growth in 2021. 
 Improving the user experience is now a big focus for most companies especially with craft competitors coming into the market soon. Many of these companies know that the next battle will be over quality, but who will come out on top? 
We will just have to wait and see.
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